Question: How do I
Show My Cairn Terrier?
Answer: For
those who prefer taking the road less traveled........I defer to a
compilation of emails and pics from Barb who is in the process of doing
just that.
....Since I am an obedience training "junkie",
I thought... "How hard is it to bridge the gap and conquer the whole
Conformation (a.k.a. Froo-froo pageant) thing?"

me, it is very very difficult. After
getting Dezi in
March of 2008, and entering countless dog shows, we only have 1
point. We need 15 points to get the name Champion in front of
name. I need to write a blog describing my undercover
experience. We will never make it to Westminster
without dedication, and we are dedicated.
took a couple photos of Dezi at dog school.
Linda and her
husband, Mike are both retired. moved from Cleveland to Amish farm
country, they have this new building (very nice!) where Dezi and I go
for training twice a week. We met Linda March 2009.
I have
hope that Linda can show me how to reach for the stars in my obedience
career with Cairns.
The REALLY big terrier show of all
time, is at Montgomery. Pennsylvania. Ignorance is
and I actually thought I had a chance to win .. October of 2008, my
husband and I drove all night to get to the first dog show on a
Friday. got there at 530am. Campers everywhere....
bigger the RV, the bigger the dog show.
of vendors, and
hundreds of terriers.. it was a nice weekend, good
Eye opening. People who show dogs, and if they are serious,
money on a professional handler. This might actually be a
way to go since I have been paying entry fees and driving to
dog shows with only 1 point to show for it but I think I will
continue on with this myself. After all, I'm
thinking about
undercover journalism..........

The beautiful portrait was done at another dog show in
Michigan. We did not win any points (again),
but I did not want to go home empty handed. The show
is one of the best in the country. I will find him again for
portraits later on.
Such is the experiment... can a Pet Owner make it in the Big Time?
This remains to be seen...
Cairn Addict
Best of luck to you Barb and I hope you are
successful in
your quest for a titled Cairn Terrier. You mentioned cost.
It would be interesting if you are
interested in such
things, to keep kind of a running tab on the approximate costs you
incur in showing yourself versus utilizing the skills of a
professional handler should you decide to go that route.
the life and times of an undercover dog show spy, that would
be some interesting reading, hint, hint.
More Show Notes (This is kind of
nice - Someone else gets to do all the typing!)

AKC has had a change of heart and here is a new
window of opportunity for those who are new to the sport of Conformation. The ALL NEW class to
enter is called "Amateur
Owner Handler".
It is for adults like me, that missed out on the golden years of youth
-- Junior Handler. Many adults are ready to become a handler
get into Conformation. It is more involved than you think, but it can
be learned. Yup, teach an old dog new tricks.
is some preparation and training to do. I encourage new
people to
this venue. The AKC would love to help dog enthusiasts find
way into the Conformation ring. Summertime is buzzing with
activity, there are dog shows every weekend.
If I can bridge the gap from Obedience Junkie to Conformation, anyone
can! It really is fun, I have been meeting lots of other
Terrier lovers, and I especially love hearing personal stories that
start with: "my first Cairn Terrier was _______"
the change of heart? After reviewing the sheer volume of dog
shows entered by the very famous "Romeo" and "Double Dutch", there is a
reason why they are Number One. They keep showing after
the Champion title and that is not my goal... Once I earn the title,
Dezi is done. Big lightbulb went off in my head.. oh!
I have found out the obvious. All of the others started out
just like me.
a local club on the Cairn Terrier Club of America.
( and get to know someone in your state.
are good breeders out there who love to give helpful tips for those who
want to take it to the next level. If "Showing your
Terrier" is a serious interest, and not some whimsy over Happy Hour,
here you go:
it like a job interview, dress the part and be smart. Look at
Professional Handlers and how they dress. Mimic success: "Fake it 'til you make it".
Groom your dog to also look the part. Find a photo on the
internet of a really good looking winner, print it out and tape it to
the wall. Study it, and make your dog look like the
picture. If you look like a Professional Handler and if your
is groomed to look like a top winner, then you are ready.

to train your dog:
* Stand and Stay (sometimes called "stacking")
* Walk on a loose leash
* Walk at a brisk pace, but don't run
* Be nice to others (no room for obnoxious, snarky behavior.
little stiff-legged greeting, and stiff tail wagging is okay.)
* Be patient for the grooming process (tolerate all the froo-froo
process with loads of patience)
for the future owner/handler:
* Join a dog training club, go often
* Join your breed club, and be social (others love to help you!)
* Be a good sport, and always cheer on others even if you don't win
* Get a grooming table, grooming arm, teach yourself how to groom your
* Drive to dog shows without your dog, bring a notebook and start
writing. (camera helps too)
* Read the sections about rules, and read about professional
handlers too.
* Buy book "Show Me!" by Dr. Caroline Coile (paperback )
* buy and watch DVD "Dogsteps" by Rachel Page Elliot
* Purchase the * Cairn Terrier Grooming how-to DVD
is only one DVD in the world to show you step-by-step how to groom your
Cairn properly. Cost is only $30 USA dollar through the Cairn Terrier
Club of Greater Detroit. Send an email to Patricia Holmes of
Kirkshire Cairns and in the subject line, put: Cairn Grooming
DVD ( email your request to: )
the change of heart?
attached photos. I think we are catching on here. We now have
breed points to her title!
almost hate to divulge my secrets. If someone else actually reads this
and follows this recipe, I am going to have a lot of competition in the
ring!! One other thing, careful
preparation also
implies careful selection of your Cairn Terrier puppy.... again, go to
the CTCA website, scroll through all of the Affiliate Clubs... read,
read, read. Look at member websites, find them, call them, go
visit. Talk to as many Cairn Terrier breeders as you
Go visit, get more information. (Keep following more links, for
instance, find the website listing pedigrees, scroll down the list from
A to Z, and as you find those that link to their website, click on
them, and read-read -read some more. )
pedgiree link
type in in your browser and then look
at the
left of the index, find the one that says "Kennel/Breeder
click on that and they are all listed from A to Z from around the
world. I had fun with it, because my dog actually had two
very,very famous names in her pedigree. One is "Unique Cottage" and
the other is "Wolf pit"...
very thrilling for me to find my dogs ancestors!
but not least, open up your wallet and buy the best Cairn Terrier you
can afford.... or become co-owner with your new-found breeder friend or
whatever works.
for dog shows:
* Entry fees (approx 27.50 per entry fee)
* Parking entry fee (fairgrounds .. $3 to $5)
* Travel fees (gas, hotel, flat tires, etc)
* Food (bring a cooler and pack sandwiches and fresh fruit)
* Dog dishes and dog food (feed Fido AFTER the dog show, no pooping in
the ring)
* Water (bring lots of water for you and your dog)
* Leashes, collars, grooming equipment
* Camera (take photos as you go, later it helps you to improve)
* Champagne (when you have success)
* **** Optional expense: a lovely new, shiny, fully loaded
RV. (hi hi, if you need an excuse to buy one, this is a

dog shows are usually held on weekends. If it is a big dog
it will be on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Each
day is
a NEW SHOW. If you do not win on Friday, you might win one the
next day. If you do not win at all, do not be discouraged.
up that cooler you brought, drink and laugh, and go spend money on the
vendors, buy better leashes and crates, aha
aha) Take
the opportunity to congratulate the winners, and then engage in
conversation such as, "how did you get started?" or.. "tell
how you learned how to do such an excellent job grooming your dog?"
or... "Let me buy you lunch, and then please give me some advice."
are lots of breeders who love Cairn Terriers so much, they want to
inflict this Cairn Addiction to everyone.
joining your local kennel club, they will hold a "Fun Match" which is
like a dog show without the big V's. (hi hi) The bigger
V's the bigger the show. Also look for "KC Sanction Match"
under KC.Borg, that also is a test run of your skills with the other
club members there to give you advice on how to improve.
Brag! Love to the Cairn Addicts!!
March 2011 Show Notes
Hi Dan
here are two photos from the March dog show in Michigan:

photo, I am grooming Dezi to the best of my ability. I needed to
apply the relaxed look while grooming her, when in the ring. but... oh
well.... again, the AKC is grateful for my continuous donations to
making them richer.

I am appalled at the photo where Dezi is on the table, and the judge is going over her.
Omg! Mortified!
What an Amateur!...The odd frozen smile on my face, and my fists clenched.... I see the need to relax a little, omg.
can the judge really look at the dog, the look of white knuckle fear on
my face was more than likely a strong distraction.
and This is why most normal people shell out the bucks and hire a
professional handler. photos like these. sticking out and
putting a big sticker on my forehead -
Hey look at me! I am an Amateur! "
if I had been able to show dogs while I was a child, and learn the
ropes as a Junior Handler,,, moments like these could have been
avoided.>.. I shall make note of it.
Sigh. Pictures speak a thousand words. I sure wish there was more help for adults who plunge in bravely.
I am a glutton for punishment. To date, we have 6 points towards the 15 points needed for that CH in front of her name.
free to use my humiliating experience... I know my humbling flaws are
going to help the lovely AKC Professional Handlers Guild.
Other Amateurs will probably shell out the bucks and make that call, rather than sheepish Kodak moments..
They will surely get a chuckle that I am out there flying solo.
My dog is the Professional.
Me, I am in need of an adult beverage.
~ Barb
You're right! That is a pretty decent frozen smile.
I wouldn't let that get you down though, in fact I think you are
actually doing people a favor and I shall elaborate as to why:
in 2005 when I found myself stuck out in the flatlands of the
Midwest for extended periods of time, I needed a hobby and
so I took up wood turning. It was not as easy as it first seemed.
I would look at online videos of how to make pens, bowls
and the like and it was kind of discouraging to see these works of are
turned perfectly, every time. The pieces I was turning were no where
near the perfection I saw on line.
After a while I came to the
conclusion that what I was seeing was the result of years of experience
and replicating those results was going to take some time.
a little about HTML and such, I decided to document my trials and
tribulations in the world of wood turning in the hopes that maybe
others upon reading same would not give up too easily.
How did that work out?
on the feedback list by a country mile, are emails from fellow wood
turners who were heartened by the stories and photos of all the
things that did not go quite right. They all said in so many words
that after blowing up pens and whatnot that they had gotten discouraged
and after seeing my experiences, they realized that it was not
just them. It has happened to everyone.
Second on the
feedback list are emails from guys who have been turning for
years and have numerous helpful suggestions with issues I have from
time to time. I incorporate those suggestions where I can, which
makes for better information and a clearer understanding.
Third on the feedback list are emails from people wondering what the 'North of the Border' comments are about.
if you were to substitute 'Cairn Terrier' for 'Wood Turning', we would
be talking pretty much about the same thing. I think you are
doing those who dream of turning their own Cairn Terrier
into the next star of the show a favor by injecting a dose
of reality into that dream. Makes for fun reading as well.
September 2011 Show Notes
in late Monday.. lost my voice, long drive to Minnesota and marathon
drive back. Dezi the Cairn Terrier and I were bowled over by the huge
entry of quality Cairns at the Rochester, MN dog show. 30 entries!
my search for one more major, and a few points, I expected an entry of
approx 5 or 10 at the most........ I did not anticipate the tough
competition, and such a huge entry! Dezi took 3rd place on
Saturday. (two other Cairns behind us had been BOB major winners at a
previous dog show, I was complimented on placing so high among
Professional Handlers and seasoned show dogs.
I am fairly "new" to the show ring as an owner handler. only 3 years compared to 20 years or more from my competition.
at first the judge put me up in the first place position, as she
scrutinized the large class of 17 in Open Bitch. that, plus
I needed to keep Dezi's tail up, and I needed to keep playing with her
to keep her feisty. Due to my momentary statue like appearance,
the judge bumped me down to 4th place… it was a very very tough
I must continue to animate her while in the ring.
expensive lesson. sigh. no points. more notes for my show career,
and the AKC gets richer from my donations. haa haa. Dezi did her
best, and I am proud of her. she looked top notch. I am
still learning.
December 2011 Show Notes
Hi Dan

Well, THIS
weekend, I am off to the Cleveland Crown Classic. Dezi and I did
well last year, and now with new improved notes, we will be showing
Friday, Sat, Sun.... goal is to add more show points. Dezi has 6
points so far, after Cleveland, our goal is to say she will have 9
points. (1 point each day).
Entries are small. Fri: 5 Cairn Terriers, Sat: 5 Cairns and Sun: only 3 Cairns.. if they all show up.... that is always a shot in the dark too.

27th, Dezi and I are hitting the road. doing our "couch
tour". staying with friends to keep the cost down to
FIRST TIME EVER... caving in and hiring a professional handler for the Land O'Lakes in St Paul.

Jan 6-7-8:
Last year, approx 40 Cairn Terrier entries. Let's see if the Prof
Handler can breeze thru the weekend with my dog.
The potential points earned can be 5 points each day. That would be 15 points and Dezi can add CHAMPION to the front of her name.

BTW: Dezi will be 4 yrs old on Jan 8th.
Thanks for the update, have a great time on your cruise!!!!
~~ Barb
P.S... Doreen the Pet Photographer took the attached photos. she does a great job!

Ch Dezi with Barb April 7 2012, Saginaw, Michigan

Ch Dezi with Barb April 7 2012, Saginaw, Michigan
2012 Monroe Kennel Club dog show, Michigan.

Friday, Dezi won Best of Opposite! the same dogs listed here, showed on Friday.
Friday's results were:
Best of Breed. Ch Hjohoos Give Me Hjour Love. RN 21318201 Owner. Linda Spain. Louise Hooper handled him
Best of Winners: Janwells Independence at Cherbo. RN 22688402. 6-29-11 Cheri Eagleson

Best of Opp Dezi and Barb Sept 28 2012 at Terrier Club of Michigan
and Best of Opposite, ..Ch Alkays SnowedOn Diamond Rays CD GN RE ..01-11-08 RN15943801 "Dezi" Barbara Lefever, owner/handler.... Dezi is from SnowedOn Cairn Terriers..
And noteworthy, I think Dezi is the only Champion Cairn Terrier with this level of obedience titles that is competing!
Actually, I did not read the entire show catalog ... but among the 159
breeds, total entry of 1901 dogs... Dezi might be the only one with
initials of CD, GN, RE after her name. proving that dogs are smarter
than people... there are too many showdog people who refuse to teach
manners 'they think that a showdog should not be taught
Sit, Stay, Down, and "Heel" or walk nice on a leash.
Dezi is living proof that a showdog can also succeed in AKC obedience, too. :-)
CD - Companion dog
GN - Graduate Novice
RE- Rally Excellent.
(when a dog earns Rally Excellent,
her previous titles were RN. Rally Novice and RA. Rally Advanced.
these titles are not listed, because Rally Excellent implies that the
dog already won them., RN and RA are the prerequisites to the RE title.)
Plus Dezi also is CGC - Canine Good Citizen and TDI - Therapy Dog International)
 Best of Breed win at Monroe, KC - Sept 29 2012
SATURDAY was our big day! Dezi won Best of Breed!
The coveted First Place!
here below are the Cairn Terriers. 18 total, and Dezi won Best of
Breed! adding points towards our goal of becoming Grand
Judge. Mrs Anne Katona... from Reno, Nevada
Judge was very old school methods... loose lead. after table exam, walk
dog in circle, and then stop, do a Free Stack, before taking your place
in line. She also messed up dogs fur on table, she prefers Cairn
looking natural, and did not like the overgroomed, smooth appearance at
all. she said out loud, they are not supposed to look groomed...
She smiled, and when we were on the table, she talked to the dog,
"hello lollipop!" very friendly judge, and she announced out loud...
Loose Leash! that is nice to hear. you see, when a
dog has leash very tight, it might be a dog that does not have
much training . some judges do not think a loose leash is very
important, but it could be something to consider. if you see a dog with
a tight leash, the dogs' neck is stretched out..... does the dog
honestly have a nice neck? or is the leash giving out that
illusion? that is a question. I was happy Dezi was
behaving. and walked nicely.
Dezi performed amazing! my peers said it was picture
perfect! (the club members are very supportive, I encourage
club membership. they can be a wonderful helpful club.)
Since Dezi won the Best of Breed, we needed to stay at the dog show,
and so Dezi took a nap until later in the afternoon for the Group
Terrier Group was 5th group to show., and the competition was
fierce! the Best of Breed in every Terrier was
it was approx 4pm in the afternoon, a clear day, with many professional
handlers and the best terriers in the USA present. I later found
out, that the famous "Montgomery Terrier National Specialty" was in a
few days, and many of these well-groomed career showdogs and their
humans, made this dog show a stop en route to Montgomery.
245 Terriers entered today- Sat. Sept 28 2012.
28 Terriers in the Group Ring..... and VERY tough competition !
Icing on the cake, the judge made selections, and just before she
announced which dogs would be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th... a red squirrel
ran into the ring, and out the other side!!!
In the Terrier group! That was a dumb squirrel!
The crowd laughed! We did not get a placement in the top 4, but
it was an honor for a first time owner/handler like me to join the
group of seasoned owner handlers and professionals. a very good