A Stay at the Belmont Inn

The Belmont Inn

The Belmont Inn was a welcome relief from the previous night's stay in Baker, Nv.

Relaxing on the Porch Fuel

The hotel uses a diesel generator, solar power and propane (for the fridge) for energy.
There is no electric utility which services Belmont.


The bedrooms were quite the improvement from Baker and very nicely furnished.

Bedrooms Plumbing
Adjacent Bedrooms Gravity Fed Bowl


An authentic vanity.

The Dining Room

The Bar

South side of the Bar

The Bar

North side of the bar.


Dinner was Turkey Breast Medallions, Scalloped Potatoes, Summer and Zucchini Squash and Salad.
It was very good.


Desert was Peaches and Ice Cream.

This is a place worth staying, if only to experience what it is like with no street lights, no street noise no
power poles, no TVs, CDs or DVDs.  

Seeing the sky at night with no city illumination was a treat.

Breakfast and dinner are included as part of the package and prices are reasonable.

Try it out sometime.  You won't be disappointed.
