Yes, even Navy ships run out of gas, lose power or cannot get
underway on their own.
We were simulating a loss of power.

A frigate comes in and around from the right and drops a rope.
I may be wrong on this cause it's been
a while but I belive it is done similar to a high line transfer where a
smaller guide rope is shot across to
the receiving ship. That is pulled over and a succession of larger
ropes come over until the deck crew
gets hold of the actual towing rope.
Hundreds of feet of rope is pulled over and laid out. The
rope is then slowly fed out as the towing ship
increases distance.

The deck crew now has
the tow rope and is slowly letting out rope to get the proper
distance between the two ships.

They are still letting out rope. Takes a lot of guys to
control a tow rope.

The ship is getting to
the proper distance.

And away we go. We are now being towed.